Vocational High School Varaždin is a partner in the Erasmus+ project Digital Literacy – Readiness 4 ALL, along with schools from Portugal, Italy and Turkey. The project includes two educational teacher visits to countries participating in the project – Lithuania and Norway, followed by a student mobility to schools in partner countries.

From January 8 to 12, 2024, four teachers – Martina Košćak (project coordinator), Melani Mihalec, Maja Pribeg and Nikolina Rutić Mazor participated in the first mobility in Lithuania. Marijampole University of Applied Sciences from the city of the same name in the southwest of Lithuania organized interesting educational activities for teachers from partner schools.

After visiting the University, guided by Vice Chancellor Marius Žitkus, Evaldas Plečkaitis designed an educational workshop on programming. The participants were introduced to the basic terms in programming, and then the practical part followed. They created an algorithm of the traditional dance of their country, which they then programmed in Scratch and got a visual representation of the dance. In this way, teachers became familiar with the possibilities of applying programming in the education of their students in different teaching contents.

Eglė Vaičiūnė led the Tinkercad education. The participants made their own 3D models, and at the end of the day, using the PrusaSlicer, they printed one of them on a 3D printer. Vice-rector Marius Žitkus held an education about robots, and the participants of the education had the opportunity to create their own robots and program them in the LEGO Education Spike program. After that, Evaldas Plečkaitis gave a lecture on Industry 4.0 and introduced the participants to Chat GPT 3.5. The day ended with a joint dinner of partner schools where the participants got to know the cultures and customs of other countries.

On the last day of education, vice-rector Marius Žitkus presented LEGO MINDSTORMS EDUCATION EV3 for participants with advanced skills. The participants assembled robots in the shape of a car and wrote programming code for the movement of the robot to move along a given path. In the second part of the day, Eglė Vaičiūnė instructed the participants on how to integrate computer games into high school education. They programmed the Labyrinth game in Scratch, used the Python programming language in the CodeCombat program, and created the landscape of their own country in Minecraft.

At the end of the education participants were addressed by Odeta Gluoksnytė (project coordinator), they participated in a quiz assessing their acquired knowledge using the Kahoot program and the hosts shared the evaluation results, followed by the distribution of certificates.


Srednja strukovna škola partner je u Erasmus+ projektu Digital Literacy – Readiness 4 ALL uz škole iz Portugala, Italije i Turske. Projekt obuhvaća dvije mobilnosti za nastavnike u zemlje sudionice projekta – Litvu i Norvešku, a nakon toga slijedi mobilnost učenika u škole zemalja partnera.

Od 8. do 12. siječnja 2024. godine četiri nastavnice – Martina Košćak (koordinator projekta), Melani Mihalec, Maja Pribeg i Nikolina Rutić Mazor sudjelovale su u prvoj mobilnosti u Litvi. Sveučilište za primijenjene znanosti Marijampole iz istiomenog grada na jugozapadu Litve organiziralo je zanimljive edukativne sadržaje za nastavnike iz škola partnera.

Nakon obilaska Sveučilišta uz vodstvo vicerektora Mariusa Žitkusa, Evaldas Plečkaitis osmislio je edukativnu radionicu iz programiranja. Sudionici su upoznati s osnovnim pojmovima u programiranju, a zatim je slijedio praktični dio. Izrađivali su algoritam tradicionalnog plesa svoje zemlje koji su zatim programirali u Scratchu te dobili vizualni prikaz plesa. Na taj način nastavnici su upoznati s mogućnostima primjene programiranja u edukaciji svojih učenika u različitim nastavnim sadržajima.

Eglė Vaičiūnė vodila je edukaciju iz programa Tinkercad. Sudionici su izrađivali vlastite 3D modele, a jedan od njih su na kraju dana, koristeći PrusaSlicer, i isprintali na 3D printeru.

Vicerektor Marius Žitkus održao je edukaciju o robotima te su sudionici edukacije imali priliku izraditi svoje robote i programirati ih u LEGO Education Spike programu. Nakon toga Evaldas Plečkaitis održao je predavanje na temu Industria 4.0 i sudionike upoznao s Chat GPT 3.5. Dan je završio zajedničkom večerom partnerskih škola na kojoj su sudionici upoznali kulture i običaje drugih zemalja.

Posljednji dan edukacije vicerektor Marius Žitkus prezentirao je LEGO MINDSTORMS EDUCATION EV3 za naprednije korisnike. Sudionici su sastavljali robote u obliku automobila i pisali programski kod za kretnju robota po zadanoj putanji. U drugom dijelu dana Eglė Vaičiūnė educirala je sudionike kako integrirati računalne igre u srednjoškolsko obrazovanje. Sudionici su u Scratchu programirali igricu Labirint, u programu CodeCombat koristili su programski jezik Python, a u Minecraftu kreirali krajobraz vlastite zemlje. Na kraju edukacije sudionicima se obratila Odeta Gluoksnytė (koordinator projekta), rješavali su kviz stečenog znanja u Kahoot programu, a domaćini su prezentirali rezultate evaluacije te je slijedila podjela certifikata.