„ Our Heritage: Where the Past Meets the Future“
Srednja strukovna škola Varaždin granted two Erasmus+ projects
in the total value of nearly EUR 250 thousand
Erasmus+ project entitled „ Our Heritage: Where the Past Meets the Future“ was granted by the Agency for mobility and EU programmes to Srednja strukovna škola Varaždin. The project in the value of 186 548 € is focused on mobilities of students and teachers, as well as on odernisation of teaching methods, and is expected to last for two years.
The project coordinator is a secondary school from Narva, Estonia, while the other partner schools, beside our school, are secondary schools from Turkey, the Czech Republic and Holland.
Cultural heritage is the context of the project, including application of student’s skills in general, artistic and cultural education programmes in schools. There will be 5 mobilities, with 4 students and 2 teachers taking part in each one, and they will deal with different forms of art and culture such as traditional dances, songs, poetry, cuisine, drama, film, photography, clothes, customes and visual arts.